I have worked with Isabelle since February 2014 when one of our Eccles British Library Writers in Residence introduced Isabelle to the Eccles Centre. Isabelle brought us a proposal to run a free event for aspiring writers as part of her existing Books Talk Back event series. I was extremely impressed by Isabelle’s commitment and professionalism throughout the event planning and delivery. She ran the event beautifully: she provided me with text and images in a timely manner, handled the recruitment of speakers and managed the guest-list single-handed. She was a delight to work with, always positive, cheerful and quick to respond. On the evening of the event she chaired the discussion with an easy and engaging style, which produced an excellent dialogue with the established author and solicited supportive feedback from the audience for the new writers who read out their work.
Books Talk Back offers immediate, interactive feedback to aspiring authors, as well as a good-natured environment in which to practise the sometimes daunting task of public speaking. I would recommend all developing writers to snap up such a beneficial opportunity, and all those with an interest in literature to attend and participate