Previous Events

Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library with Mitch Johnson
Event Date: 22nd March 2018
Are you interested in writing fiction for children?
Want to hear tips about writing and the publishing industry from a top author?
Local author Isabelle King presents ‘Books Talk Back’, a fun, interactive event featuring guest author Mitch Johnson.
Mitch will share insights and ideas on writing fiction for children and young adults and there will be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions throughout.
An entertaining and informative event for writers, readers and literary enthusiasts.

Isabelle King presents Books Talk Back at The British Library
Event Date: 5th February 2018

Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library With Alexander Gordon Smith
Event Date: 20th April 2017
Are you interested in writing fiction for young adults? Want to hear tips about writing and the publishing industry from a top author? Local author, Isabelle King, presented ‘Books Talk Back’ a fun, interactive event featuring guest author Alexander Gordon Smith (The Fury, Escape from Furnace, The Devil’s Engine.) Gordon shared insights and ideas on writing for young adults and there was an opportunity for the audience to ask questions throughout. An entertaining and informative event for writers, readers and literary enthusiasts.

Family Trail with Writers’ Centre Norwich
Event Date: 17th September 2016
Fun for all the family! September 17th and 18th 2016 – Books Talk Back worked in collaboration with Writers’ Centre Norwich to produce a family trail as part of their ‘Noirwich’ Crime Writing Festival. ”Simply pick up your map and instructions at The Forum, Norwich and follow the trail through Norwich City Centre.”
Created and written by Isabelle King, the family trail had a Tudor theme.
Queen Elizabeth 1st is visiting Norwich and expects a nice, expensive gift for her arrival. The Mayor of Norwich has the perfect present ready: a magnificent silver cup and some golden coins, fit for a Queen!
But what’s this? The cup and coins appear to be missing…someone must have stolen them! What pesky vagabond would do such a thing?
The Mayor of Norwich charges you, families, with the task of solving the crime, discovering the robber and retrieving the cup and coins….before the Queen arrives! All good detectives win a prize!
Find out more via the link below.

The British Library
Event Date: 3rd June 2016
Books Talk Back returned to The British Library, sponsored by The Eccles Centre for American Studies, June 3rd for an short story event. The event featured Guest Author, 2016 Eccles Centre Writer in Residence, Alison MacLeod. Alison talked about the art of short story writing, and two aspiring authors read their unpublished short stories followed by feedback from Alison and the audience.

In collaboration with CineMe, Bristol
Event Date: 18th May 2016
CineMe provides a platform for independent film makers, animators and creatives. Books Talk Back supports and showcases new writing. Put them together…
CineMe and Books Talk Back collaborated to create a unique event ‘The Golden Rules of Screenwriting’ with Guest Speaker, BAFTA winning writer Bob Baker, co-writer of Wallace & Gromit and Doctor Who. Bob talked in detail on script formatting, structure, creating ideas, characters, plots and writing for specific genres.
The night included a discussion on Bob’s career with film excerpts, and with plenty of humour and anecdotes.

Norwich Arts Centre with Eliza Roberston
Event Date: 7th March 2016
This event was hosted as part of the Words And Women International Women’s Day launch event for their prose fiction anthology. The event featured two aspiring authors who were long-listed for the Words And Women prose competition. Guest author, Eliza Robertson discussed writing her debut book of short stories Wallflowers.

With Tracy Chevalier
Event Date: 21st September 2015
The second Books Talk Back hosted with sponsorship from the Eccles Centre for American Studies, this sold out event featured guest author Tracy Chevalier in discussion about writing historical fiction. Two aspiring authors read and extract of their unpublished historical fiction and received feedback from Tracy and the audience.

The Rose and Crown Pub, London with Jamie Rhodes
Event Date: 23rd March 2015
Jamie Rhodes received Arts Council funding in order to write and publish his first book of short stories ‘Dead Men’s Teeth.’ At this event, Jamie shared insight and ideas on how to gain funding for a writing project. Two aspiring authors presented their writing projects and discussed with Jamie and the audience how best to pursue funding for these.

The British Library with Naomi Wood
Event Date: 22nd September 2014
Eccles Centre for American Studies Writer in Residence, Naomi Wood, made a welcome return to Books Talk Back. Naomi discussed the intricate research and creative process involved in writing her second novel ‘Mrs Hemingway.’ Two aspiring authors read an extract of their literary fiction which featured historical research. This was the first Books Talk Back event hosted with sponsorship from the Eccles Centre for American Studies at The British Library to a sold out audience.

Norwich Playhouse with Hayley Long
Event Date: 12th January 2014
This event had a focus on aspiring authors of YA fiction. Teen fiction author, Hayley Long, discussed the creative process involved in writing ‘What’s Up with Jody Barton?’ and shared tips on how to write for the teen market. Three aspiring authors read an extract of their unpublished YA fiction and received feedback from Hayley and the audience.

The Rose & Crown Pub, London with guest author, Naomi Wood
Event Date: 12th September 2013
At this event, Naomi discussed the creative writing process involved in working on her first novel ‘The Godless Boys’ and shared her thoughts on how to approach literary agents. Four aspiring authors read an extract of their unpublished fiction and received feedback from Naomi and the audience.